(254) 368-7794
Brooke Ann Photography
Professional Service · Photographer

Behind the Lens
Hey there! I would introduce myself but I'm sure you've used your powers of deduction to figure out I am Brooke (:
Photography has been my passion and biggest dream since about 2009 when my oldest brother graduated and had gone to Olan Mills for his Senior pictures. While we waited for him to change to a different style of clothes, I started talking with the photographer. Her genuine excitement for her job was so contagious and the way she talked about the photo shoots she had done it was then that I realized that this is what I want to do. I want to freeze those magic moments for people, I want them to look back at those photographs and remember that time they will never get back, and remember what a good memory that was for them. Photography is more than a hobby to me, it's the most beautiful thing in the world, in my opinion.
A few behind the scenes comments if you are interestd in knowing- my trusty camera is named Avril, she's a Canon EOS 5d Mark iii and I am absolutely in love with her. <3 I try to be original when it comes to photo shoots or anything I am photographing, because who wants a shot so many other people have? And lastly, I can not express how much being a photographer means to me, it's all I want out of life. So let me work with you! Head over to the contact tab and shoot me a text or email! (: